Sunday 20 March 2011


About December 21st, 2012

2012 is not like Y2K by any means. Y2K was a possible glitch in electronics systems caused by a date problem with computers.

At no time in the history of mankind has there been a convergence on a single date and year by so many people, religions, soothsayers, psychics and scientists.

Here, we will explore some of the relevance of the possible events that will occur on December 21st, 2012.

Keep in mind that these are only possibilities. We have a hard enough time predicting the weather a week out, let alone events years in the future. However, there are several coinciding and factual arguments that point to 2012 as being a time of earth and life changing events. You can be a skeptic or believer - that's entirely up to you. I'm just going to touch on things here that you can follow up on and research further if you like.

Galactic Alignment

The Galactic Alignment that we will see in 2012 happens once every 26000 years. This is a point where the Sun reaches the Dark Rift - the center of the galaxy. Astronomers refer to this as the Nuclear Bulge.

This is a major event according to NASA and scientists around the world. The Sun's solar cycle will peak in 2012. There could be massive problems associated with the Galactic Alignment.

Things that scientists are concerned about are very real events. A solar flare could cause a pole shift. This would wreak severe havoc with the Earth, her crust, gravity and all forms of life here.

The last time that the Yellowstone Caldera erupted was around the time of one of these alignments some 640,000 years ago. This is a doomsday event in itself.

Asteroids could be pulled into our path. This is because of the path the Earth will be on, in association to the solar system around 2012.

Massive earthquakes would be an added event to a pole shift. The Earth's crust would shift causing these and Tsunamis around the globe (or what's left of the globe).

Another Ice Age is possible, because of the Sun and it's activity in 2012. All in all, from a scientific standpoint, 2012 is not looking good for we tiny humans.

The Mayan Calendar Ends

The Maya were an intelligent race of people in South America who built pyramids and structures, much like the Egyptians. They had an intense knowledge of time cycles, astronomy and astrology and mathematics (they came up with "zero"). Some of the things that they knew over 2000 years ago, we are just beginning to figure out today.

The Mayan Calendar is far more accurate than the Gregorian Calendar that we use on a daily basis. The Mayan's knowledge of solar cycles, planets and space was astounding. They are also the race that had stone carvings of what appeared to be spacemen with helmets and spaceships. They also had the Crystal Skulls. These skulls were humanlike skulls fabricated from crystal. To this day, we still do not have the technology to make these with the precision of the Maya.

The Maya disappeared. Where they went is still being debated. From some archeological finds, it appears that they dropped whatever they were carrying and vanished. Beam me up Scotty...

Whether the Maya were all abducted to outer space or not, one thing is for sure; their calendar, the most accurate in history, ends on December 21st, 2012...   

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce, "The Sleeping Prophet", had references to 2012. His accuracy has been phenomenal with predictions. To make a long story short, the map below is a depiction of what Cayce said the USA would look like after 2012...


Low and behold...Nostradamus had cataclysmic Earth shaking catastrophes lined up in his quatrains. Although not specific to the exact date, the events Nostradamus had predicted line up with 2012 "speculated" happenings. The events are similar to Revelations from the Bible, he said that "the Earth will shake and no structure shall be left standing."

The Bible Code

For those of you following along with the Bible Code, the code specifically spells out Earth Annihilation for 2012. The code is arranged in patterns that supposedly reveal events. Skeptics say that you can arrange anything to say what you want it to. They have a point. The other side of the coin is, the code has been dead on in many instances.

Planet - X

Planet - X is a dwarf star associated with our solar system. In 2012, some astronomers believe that Planet - X will either hit the Earth or come close enough to cause major damage from the asteroids that surround it. It could even cause gravity to fail.

The Hopi Blue Star Prophecy  

Although no specific date is matched to 2012 specifically, the Hopi Indians believe that a new cycle will bring man from animal into true human form. The nine signs of this prophecy have been met. Much like the metaphysical views, there will be a spiritual war that will change all as we know it.

Psychic View

Many believe that December 21st, 2012 will be a massive shift of global conciseness to a higher level. Currently, humans are still tribal and primitive by nature. We run around chasing gold, money and earthly possessions, much like the cavemen did with fire.

Most people feel the thickness and dread in the air already. 2012 may be when the human race globally says "enough" and we all transform to "something else" on a higher spiritual realm.


Gloom and Doom? The other things that "could" happen like nuclear holocaust, the coming of Aliens etc., haven't been included here. Who knows about those things or any of it for that matter. Don't get too bent out of shape. People have been predicting the end of time since the beginning of time.

Just keep your 2012 Doomsday Countdown App handy. We'll all see for ourselves in a short time what 2012 will really bring...